Saturday, May 15, 2010

Most Wanted "FB Comment"

I had some updates on my orkut homepage today.."sorry orkut.. i love facebook..catch me there" ,"Orkut dead..Long live facebook"..

Migration from orkut to facebook is in full swing.

What caused such a sudden demise of Orkut, which ruled for almost 6 years in the area of social networking sites?

It is mainly a "Comment" .

For getting this on Orkut you had to go through a tediuos task of uploading pics ...It is very easy on FB ...You just post anything and you will get start getting comments with in seconds.

You are watching a movie...Yes you can post it.... " Watching ....." and you'll have the full review of the movie in you comments only.

You are going for a trip....Yes you can post it..."Going to ......" and you'll have all the travel advisors in the comments section.

Infact "anything" literally means anything for a facebook post. People post even their day to day activities on FB like drink,eat ,bath etc etc....and what's more inetersting is that they are able to fetch comments on these also...All these posts are created in the hunt for comments only...otherwise why anyone would post his daily activities on a notice board(in this case facebook)

I wonder how people construct these kind of "Comments fetching posts" so frequently... as i generally dont have anything to post for days..and if i have one that would also go un-noticed.

Even then i also refresh my homepage in the hope for a "Most Wanted FB Comment!!!!"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

As Expected

There are some things which are "too expected" in some scenarios.

I saw a pic on orkut which was posted by a newly married guy . I could see lots of comments as "Perfect Couple" , " Looking great together" ..etc etc.... . Height of the guy was above 6 and the girl was around 4.8 . No lay man can say that they can make a couple. But they had showers of comments on the pics they posted.

Actually there is a special set of sentences which one expects after posting the pics like this, no matter that the couple looks really good together or not.
All the marriage pics have these comments by default.

So does this mean that all the couples are perfect or they become perfect on the day of their marriage?

I was thinking of a reason why people post these comments when they actually dont feel like .
One may be , they know they will also be in the same situation after some time... so better be at a safe side.
Or else it is a consolation gift they want to give to them.

Now which category of people are leading in posting these.
You will find them mostly by the female friends of the bride. Reason not known....
